Why ERPBot

Mobiles Devices like phones and Voice-Enabled Smart Voices Devices are everywhere, and they are with us in our house, our car and in the conference rooms, our field visits and factories. But ERP applications have many menus and both mobile and website applications are growing increasingly complicated.

Due to this, users frequently require training, and it's challenging to use ERP data.

Users are unsure on how to find or use a feature, but they know what they want to do, and they know how to chat and text.

By substituting traditional user interfaces with human-like dialogues, enterprises can make software experiences more uncomplicated and more insightful and create enterprise workflows faster and more efficient.

Today, AI service is available and will scale for future services.

Smart Voices Devices - ERPBot

Key Benefits

Improve management experience

Convert Alerts into Action! Don’t just read notifications, instead convert them into an actionable item, if you receive an alert that the sales are down, automatically trigger dialogue with the salesperson and ask them about deals that require special approval and identify which deals can be pushed to close.

Improve employee experience

Employees every day within the same department and external department come and ask questions and want information in a fraction of seconds, imagine if the virtual assistant can answer all these mundane queries! The instant engagement can help the employee be productive and save the expensive time of key employees; this can reduce internal friction and employees can focus on their core function.

Scale without Cost Concern

We all deal with times when we need extra hands, but hiring or increasing headcount is always a big NO. As a result, you end up with painful festive time long hours, or month-end chasing collection or chasing vendors for delivery to ensure stock availability is adequate. Now, without adding headcount, virtual assistant, can reach out to customers and ask for the status of the collection. Similarly, a virtual assistant during festive time can ensure thousands of customer queries simultaneously at the same time are answered without having to involve any employee.

Capture and Convert Data Efficiently

We all get a lot of emails, and phone calls on a daily basis about various discussions with different clients and they all sit in your ERP until they are updated. Now the virtual assistant can have a dialogue with the customers and update your ERP at the same time.

Enterprise Grade Platform - ERPBot

Enterprise Grade Platform

  • Enterprise-grade solution (Build secure, global, scalable solutions that integrate with your existing IT ecosystem)
  • Ownership and control (Create an AI experience that can extend your brand and keep you in control of your own data)
  • Integration (We integrate with your cloud ERP or hosted ERP or extend on-Prem ERP)
  • Analyze and Learn (We provide insights into your user consumption, key areas where traffic is high and also gives us the insight to improve the process flow or dialogue flow)
  • Natural Language Processing (You interact with erpbot in natural language which allows its adoption without any training)
  • Omnichannel (We support over 30+ platforms for accessing erpbot.ai.
  • Multilingual- Imagine having access to language skills on day one for your helpdesk, as we support 10+ language
ERP Chatbot builder
Smart Platform - ERPBot
Saas Solutions - ERPBot

erpbot.ai as a SaaS solution

We can deploy this via low-cost option using our Software as a Service Solution, and you pay only for what you use

segregated hosted Solutions - ERPBot

erpbot.ai as segregated Hosted solution

If the client desires to have a dedicated environment, we also provide Azure-hosted environment, support by our experts for ongoing design, development and maintenance.